in found soil, in order to bloom: an evening of guided climate grief meditation through ritual, reflection, and play [loading…]
ring ring: an intimate gathering and experimental meditation on falling apart [loading…]
an evening with tomorrow soup: second soup time + moon party, ft. portals by tomorrow soup
instar: new ritual for the in-between: an experimental immersive experience exploring transition and in-between through co-created rituals
soup time: launch of tomorrow soup, ft web installations, an altar to softness and soup [loading…]
moon party series: an ongoing series since Sep 2020 of full moon celebrations [loading…]
creative futures: a pandemic community for creative technologists

all: collages, mixed media, paintings, drawings, installation
sarry about saying you don’t: solo thesis exhibition april 2022
things i wish were black: installation and two books exploring the color black
grief garden: digital memorial holding space for climate grief
seed sovereignty store: subversive e-commerce platform exposing issues of seed sovereignty [loading…]
time & other hyperboles: speculative watch design and accompanying film
kyle’s on my couch: abstract film
data ghosts: generative web installation about surveillance and the materiality of data
slow presence: generative art installation & animation exploring disconnection between space and time [loading…]
switch: speculative design series exploring the intersections of contraception, kinks and surveillance [loading…]

adora experiences: co-founded & exited an ed-tech startup
full measure education: post-acquisition integration & growth marketing in edtech
apple health special projects: product design for new clinician dashboard
georgia tech map spot: community map-making tool to visualize gentrification 
apple is&t: operating design systems at scale
leef: concept design for sustainable shopping browser extension [loading…]

mournful design: academic thesis exploring the potential of grief for designing towards more just climate futures [loading…]
phantasmagoric design: academic research exploring augmented reality tourism 
no tech for apartheid: zine supporting the no tech for apartheid captain against project nimbus


siddhartha art gallery: exhibition & print design for contemporary art gallery in kathmandu, nepal
cs @ princeton: print design for department catalogue [loading…]
interface diary: experimental diary of UI collage
the way we move: choose-your-own-adventure experience about the social construction of transportation technology [loading…]
tri training: data visualization of quarantine triathlon training
various album covers: freelance album cover illustration and design for upcoming artists [loading…]